Carnival 2020: Game, love and folly

Carnival 2020: Game, love and folly

FEBRUARY 2020, 16th – 25th

A traditional and historic event in the city of carnival. It has always been a period in which people prepare to party, dressing up and going around the city from one party to another. Il Santo Bevitore celebrates this period with a week of live music: in the charming little square on the edge of the canal musical groups alternate throughout the week, enlivening the carnival evenings between one beer and another.

the carnival theme this year is: game, love and folly.

That’s the live pub nights programme:

  • sunday 16, 3pm: DODO
  • thursday 20, 9pm: LINEA 4
  • friday 21, 9pm: SPAZIO ZERO
  • saturday 22, 9pm: ROUNDHEADS + PICK UP
  • sunday 23 [double date]: 3pm GIDANI TRIO – 7pm DEF. MAYBE
  • monday 24, 6pm: AGO DJ [dj set]
  • tuesday 25, 9pm: STILLWATER

See you there!